Weekend Adventures

This past weekend my beau and I ended up taking a somewhat spontaneous trip to Albuquerque, NM. We did quite a bit of stuff and it was fun to get away for a couple of days!

First and foremost we were PUMPED to finally get to see Meow Wolf's House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe, NM. We were already kind of familiar with their work because a few years ago they had done an exhibition at our school. It was interactive, playful, and unlike anything I'd seen at the time. Needless to say we had some pretty high expectations for this installation and I think it's safe to say they were exceeded.

This section of the installation was similar to what they did at NMSU a few years back. 

It's hard to explain what Meow Wolf is and what they do without having seen some of it yourself so I'll just leave link to their website here. I think one of the coolest aspects of Meow Wolf is the anonymity that they embrace as well as promoting the group as a cohesive unit. It's a true collective which is refreshing in a time when so many individual artists are trying to gain personal notoriety for their personal gratification. They're focused on creating accessible art for entire communities to enjoy and they're pretty successful at it!

In a Drake video. Jk, just at Meow Wolf.

My grainy photos don't do it justice! 

We spent a couple hours exploring the space but we could have easily spent the entire day there. I'm pretty positive we saw 99% of it, but I wouldn't be surprised to go back and find something new. Quite literally every inch is covered in something to look at. Overall it was an awesome experience and I'm hoping to go back!

Tweenage Girl Fantasy

One of the tamer staircases in the space!

After we visited Meow Wolf we decided to explore the Railyard Arts District of Santa Fe. Sadly a lot of the galleries were closed since it was 5 pm on a Saturday but there were still some shops open that we got to visit.

One great aspect of traveling to bigger (or basically any other) cities is that there are usually more options for vegan dining. We ate at a place called Thai Vegan and also Annapurna's World Vegetarian Cafe while visiting. Both were amazingly tasty, affordable, and dedicated to accommodating plant based diets. We indulged by splitting some crispy "chicken" bites and vegan desserts. What's a vacation without a little indulgence?! We also ate at Chipotle on our way out of town and although that's probably not special to most people we don't get to eat it often. The closet one to our hometown is about an hour away. Not that Chipotle is a revolutionary vegan option but it definitely IS an option when you're on the go.

Left to right:
Outside Thai Vegan, crispy "chicken" bites, garlic pepper tofu dish, masala dosa rom Annapurna's World Vegetarian Cafe.

I also got to do a bit of shopping while there. The two main places I shopped were Buffalo Exchange and Lush. HI, I LOVE LUSH AND YOU SHOULD TOO. Like if you've ever tried anything from Lush you probably love it. How could you not?! Until now I had only ever tried their bath bombs, bubble bars, and massage bars (all three of which I have loved). The products that I had tried up until now were more "luxurious" stuff rather than day-to-day stuff.  But after recently switching to a plant based diet and becoming aware of vegan and cruelty-free products I have been on the lookout for products to replace in my daily routines. In addition to searching for vegan options, I've also been looking for more natural alternatives specifically in skincare. So after hoooours of research online I found some options but they were either a.) out of my price point or b.) seemed hard to get a hold of. Finally I came to my senses and I was like- DUH, LUSH! I don't shop there too often since the closest store is three hours away so I'm not surprised I didn't think of it sooner. Basically as soon as we confirmed our last minute plans to visit ABQ I told my bf that all I wanted to do was see Meow Wolf, eat vegan Indian food, and visit Lush. We did all three so it was a pretty successful weekend. Anyway I finally bought some skincare from Lush and I'm super excited to try it! Like maybe I'll even do a before/after of my skin and share it here... Maybe. If you've ever tried Lush skincare and have any recommendations for oily-ish skin let me know! I tried really hard to be objective and not just get the soap that smelled the best/looked prettiest but its hard guys. Hopefully the stuff I got does the trick!

I hope everyone enjoyed their last weekend in June! Next month is my 24th birthday (HALP!) and I'm low key freaking out but it's okay cuz it's low key.


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