Dealing with Depression

One of the craziest things about depression is that it can sneak up on you out of no where. 

Last week I was writing a post (obviously unfinished) about how I felt like my mental health was finally on an upswing, but in the blink of an eye I felt like all my progress and confidence were lost. Over the weekend I entered a deep depression and it felt worse than any of my lows in recent memory. It was triggered by a rather insignificant event and instead of being able to pull myself up and out of a negative thought process, I was sucked in to a dark place that lasted over a day. It was probably one of the longest and emotionally draining days I'd had in a while. Luckily, I woke up on Monday morning feeling mostly back to my normal self. 

I was alone for most of Sunday which was really, really hard. It's hard to come out of something like that when you're physically and/or emotionally alone. In order to keep myself going that day I looked up some ways to help deal with depression. A couple of the resources I used are:

BuzzFeed: Number 21 & 24
Psych Central: Number 1 & 4 (and I guess technically 8? It wasn't on purpose though...)
Metanoia: Number 22

* I also spent time with my two dogs and cat which is always cute and fun. 

I decided to list these partly because I want to have easy access to them in case I need them again later, but also because I feel like a lot of these things are beneficial even if you don't suffer from depression. 

Probably one of the most annoying things about instances like these (aside from the obvious) is that it consumes your entire life, even if just for a day. I had plans for my weekend to be productive and active, and I felt like all of them were ruined. Like my weekend and free time were taken away from me. It's a bummer to think about but all I can do about it now is move forward. 

In lighter news, I'm still working on collages for a couple of zines and can't wait for ABQ Zine Fest! 


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